Wednesday, May 4, 2016
long range vs. tracking radar
Living for the purpose of living
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
Lessons to Learn From Robin Williams' Performance in "The Dead Poets Society"
Sleep Deprivation
Monday, May 2, 2016
Semester's End
It's the end of spring 2016 and the end of Freshmen year. I survived freshmen year for the most part. First semester kicked my butt more than second semester but I'm on a climb now and I'll only go up from this point. Thanks to all my professors. They were all great and I learned so much. I'm sorry to my first semester professors because I feel I let them down. I could've done so much better but for some reason it was so weird to me and I didn't adjust soon enough. I'm glad it's summer and I made it but sad because alot of my friends live far away from me so I won't be able to see them that often. I grew so close to them and I love them all it's just sad to be away from them for so long especially because I'm used to being with them everyday. Cheers to freshmen year because we don't always succeed the first time we try something. Failure isn't an excuse to quit because you haven't truely failed until you stop trying. So if you're reading this and you're struggling through something just know that it will get better.
"A lifetime of glory is worth a moment of pain"
Sunday, April 24, 2016
End of the Semester tips
Then I realized I still have a week of classes and that the workload this week will be that of the entire semester condensed into a single week. I for sure will be painting my face and motivating my neighbors in Founders to get out of dodge of school and to take a summer off of life-shortening stress. I actually read the other day that chronic stress can start to eat away at brain matter. Stress is also a motivator as long as you teach yourself to handle it well. You have to ride the metaphorical wave of stress but don't let yourself fall into the wave or else it will be too late for you. So finish the semester strong. Do NOT lose motivation you're so close to the end. Finish the race in a sprint and don't slow down until after you've crossed the finish line, YOU WILL SURVIVE.
"Winners never quit and quitters never win" - Vince Lambardi
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Day 2...actually
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
What do you Love? What do you want to do?
In school I chose what I love. I chose Physics and engineering. I chose Physics/Engineering because I love to learn and I want to keep learning forever in the field that I am in. Then with that comes a more specific love, love to solve problems, love to be clever, love to overcome obstacles. There is a high that comes from thinking of a solution to a problem, and the high is especially intense if that solution works. The joy comes in finding a solution but the path to get to the solution makes the end worth so much more. Building off of that, I want to do what I love. Engineering combines my love of problem solving with my obsession with bringing ideas into real life. The two greatest feelings that can come from these two career directions will be solving problems and being able to create things from ideas in my head. To see the real thing and see how closely it matches with an idea in my head is the best feeling ever. I want to be an inventor and that's it. I want to learn all I can in school to make me the best inventor I can be. Now being an inventor doesn't mean I have be creating ground-breaking inventions on a regular basis or even one ground-breaking invention. It just means I want to create. Whether I create in my garage on a budget that resembles the half-filled hat of a street performer or a budget that resembles Fort Knox. I can create for companies. I can improve on ideas that already exist.
Monday, April 4, 2016
Big Picture Details of the Beginning
Today is the first day stranded on this God-forsaken island. My ship was damaged in a battle, I'm lucky I didn't die on impact. My space suit is equip with a kinetic energy absorbing jelly that saved me from severe bodily damage. I did hit my head pretty hard, though. Helmets tend to not work as well when your fall is from the stratosphere. This war between the Draks and the Meekem has been going on for ages now. Even worse I am stuck here pondering the culmination of these events. until I can be rescued.Three generations of my brothers and sisters all fighting in a war that the War & Peace Security Council has labeled as critically vital. The council brings forces from all over the universe to help bring quicker endings to wars across the universe. Earth was foolish to join The Council. Earth's technology is significantly behind that of the rest of the universe's races' technology. We are just offering bodies to be shot by our enemies. The Council has taken the side of the Draks. One would think that when the entire universe's forces combine to end wars, those wars end would come quickly, however, our forces are spread too thin.
Pre-Registration into Sophomore Year
QOD (quote of the day)
"If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants" ~ Isaac Newton
Thursday, March 31, 2016
My Research Question 3/31/16
My topic is the water quality of Lake Michigan, how it has changed over time, and how its quality is affecting the drinking water of Chicago now.
2) What question do you want to answer?
I want to understand how having the big city and all its industry next to Lake Michigan has affected the quality of the water? I want to know if the effect has been positive or negative? Have animals played a part in degrading the quality of the water or do they help? Has the city's presence affected what animal life revolves around the lake? Is there a way to revert any negative impact people have made or if the change is a positive one, is there a way to maintain and/or enhance that positive change?
3) Why this Question?
I live in Chicago and I know that even if the water still tastes good, there may or may not be something in the water that could make it harmful. I just want to know what kind of treatment the water is going through? Do we use it as a waste fill or do we actually take precautions that are effective in keeping the cleanliness of the lake.
4) What do you need to learn in order to answer this question?
I need to know history on water treatment plants procedures, big industry, near water's edge, procedure in dealing with waste, efforts taken to revert water pollution, and their effectiveness.
I need experts with specialties that include: marine biologists, biologists, chemists, and officials that deal with the movement of water around the city.
Saturday, March 19, 2016
Review day 2 Explanatory Synthesis
First review day for Explanatory Synthesis paper
Blogs on Review process (300+ words)
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
Explanatory Synthesis Notes
In this paper I am describing everything that makes up an introvert and an extrovert. This is only background information, however. The main criteria that is going to be looked at for both intro- and extroverts will to determine what each type of mind does with stress. Is stress is brick wall, a motivator, a mind scrambler, or a friend. All of this will be explored and then the next topic that will follow, will be possible techniques for each to make stress their friends and how to better manage stress in their minds.
-Summarize info from each source
Source (1)
The first source is It is a psychological perspective as to all the things that culminate that make an extrovert and an introvert. This is the science that happens in the brain that creates the feelings and sensations of both types.
Source (2)
The second source is a TED talk "The Power of Introverts" by Susan Cain. In this video Cain talks about how forcing introverts to change instead of allowing sometime time for those people to look inward or to be at lower energy levels is a loss for everyone because introverts will be able to function on a clearer thinking wave.
Source (3)
The third source is a TED talk. "How to make stress your friend" by Kelly McGonigal basically presents techniques everyone can use to improve their stress management skills. Stress management is as much a a perspective as it is a physical task.
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
Explaining my interests
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
Review day 2
Thursday, February 4, 2016
Snyder Response Notes
- A blog should be "Whatever the hell the writer wants it to be"
-Putting any restrictions on what goes on a blog would change the very aspect of what makes a blog, a blog.
-Chris shared that his teacher in high school really pushed blogging onto the class, saying that it is something that everyone should give a shot. She eventually forced everyone to create a blog; after offering it up as extra credit and still receiving no response from her student body.