Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Explanatory Synthesis Notes

-What am I explaining? (paragraph)
In this paper I am describing everything that makes up an introvert and an extrovert. This is only background information, however. The main criteria that is going to be looked at for both intro- and extroverts will to determine what each type of mind does with stress. Is stress is brick wall, a motivator, a mind scrambler, or a friend. All of this will be explored and then the next topic that will follow, will be possible techniques for each to make stress their friends and how to better manage stress in their minds.
-Summarize info from each source
Source (1)
The first source is benziger.org. It is a psychological perspective as to all the things that culminate that make an extrovert and an introvert. This is the science that happens in the brain that creates the feelings and sensations of both types.
Source (2)
The second source is a TED talk "The Power of Introverts" by Susan Cain. In this video Cain talks about how forcing introverts to change instead of allowing sometime time for those people to look inward or to be at lower energy levels is a loss for everyone because introverts will be able to function on a clearer thinking wave.
Source (3)
The third source is a TED talk. "How to make stress your friend" by Kelly McGonigal basically presents techniques everyone can use to improve their stress management skills. Stress management is as much a a perspective as it is a physical task.

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