Thursday, March 31, 2016

My Research Question 3/31/16

1) Why is this your topic of discovery?
My topic is the water quality of Lake Michigan, how it has changed over time, and how its quality is affecting the drinking water of Chicago now.

2) What question do you want to answer?
I want to understand how having the big city and all its industry next to Lake Michigan has affected the quality of the water? I want to know if the effect has been positive or negative? Have animals played a part in degrading the quality of the water or do they help? Has the city's presence affected what animal life revolves around the lake? Is there a way to revert any negative impact people have made or if the change is a positive one, is there a way to maintain and/or enhance that positive change?

3) Why this Question?
I live in Chicago and I know that even if the water still tastes good, there may or may not be something in the water that could make it harmful. I just want to know what kind of treatment the water is going through? Do we use it as a waste fill or do we actually take precautions that are effective in keeping the cleanliness of the lake.

4) What do you need to learn in order to answer this question?
I need to know history on water treatment plants procedures, big industry, near water's edge, procedure in dealing with waste,  efforts taken to revert water pollution, and their effectiveness.

I need experts with specialties that include: marine biologists, biologists, chemists, and officials that deal with the movement of water around the city.

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